World of Balaria by LuzFaltex

We're a homebrew Minecraft RP community with original lore, custom plugins, and a growing playerbase. Come check us out!


Our Progenitors.
----==++==---- The Preceptors of Old ----==++==---- Long told was the tale of the Preceptors of Old, or the Silver Council. These teachers of Magic were said to have created the world and the races that inhabit it. Long had they served as the defenders of the world, protecting Balaria from many powers great and small that would seek to harm it. After an errant comet struck and shattered the moon, allowing a long sleeping darkness to extend its powers once again, the Preceptors rose to defend the world they had built and loved. The Great War was long and bloody, the preceptors nearly meeting their match against the near-invisible fighters of the mysterious force within the moon. Impervious to the metal blades of the mortals, these beings...
----==+|+==---- Nysmeila, the Preceptor of Fire ----==+|+==---- History Said to be one of the oldest of the Preceptors, Nysmeila is thought to have been born as a Dragonfolk in an era before any mortals had ever been given the gift of magic. Following in her parent's footsteps, Nysmelia had grown to be a strong warrior within her family. She had strived to protect her village, and much like many Dragonfolk; quench her undying thirst for knowledge and truth. Within Nysmeila's young adulthood, the Preceptors had made a world-changing decision; to finally give the gift of magic to mortals. A test, this was to see if they had the capability of using such a magic responsibly, and with dignity. Upon finding the Dragonfolk to be one of...